A specialized class that focuses on teaching the basic fundamentals of aviation, meteorology, and navigation for air cadets interested in applying for either the Glider Pilot or Power Pilot Scholarship. These two scholarships are national summer training courses that see successful candidates graduating with a private pilot's licence in Canada, and as such, participation in this class is restricted to cadets in Proficiency Level 3 (third-year) and up. In order to apply, each candidate must first be recommended by their squadron's commanding officer, and each squadron is limited in how many applicants can be recommended. Recommendations are based upon several factors that include, but are not limited to, regular attendance,   and  maximum class size is limited to 20 spaces. Due to the content-heavy, academic nature of this class, interested cadets must be mature, responsible, and self-motivated. Participation in this class does not guarantee recommendation for scholarship application, and all other national course application protocols must be followed. If there is still space, Proficiency Level 2 cadets may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

DATE: Wednesday nights from mid-September to mid-January
TIMINGS: 1830-2130hrs
ORDER OF DRESS: Comfortable civilian clothing
MATERIALS: Notebooks, pens, pencils. Copies of "From The Ground Up" are available for purchase in limited quantities.
STAFF: Civilian Instructor J. Ramdass
CONTACT:  [email protected]


Although cadets themselves are not military members, cadet units follow many military customs and having a general service performance band is one such tradition. The band is its own formation that provides the musical accompaniment on Tuesday night parades. However, the performance band consists of both those Tuesday night band cadets, as well as other senior cadets who hold other parade positions on Tuesday nights. Together they perform during special weekend parades and compete annually against other cadet units during the Spring months. The band serves as the "heartbeat" of the squadron, and band members receive music training and drill instruction once per week in order to hone their individual musicianship skills and their group performance. Membership in the band is both a privilege and an honour, and regular attendance is required to maintain membership.

TIMINGS: 1830-2130hrs
ORDER OF DRESS: Comfortable civilian clothing
MATERIALS: Notebooks, pens, pencils. Copies of "From The Ground Up" are available for purchase in limited quantities.
CONTACT: [email protected]


A program that teaches the fundamentals of the cadet Marksmanship program utilizing the approved Daisy .177 caliber air rifle.   Cadets belonging to the Marksmanship Team will also participate in various competitions throughout the training year (currently suspended due to COVID).

TIMINGS: 1830-2130hrs
ORDER OF DRESS: Comfortable civilian clothing

CONTACT:  [email protected]