820 is now stood down for the summer and will return to parading early in Sept.  Check back here for further details mid to late August (and your Cadet 365 email account if you are a returning cadet).


2024/2025 Training Year:

New Registrations and annual Validations will take place on 03 and 10 Sept 24 at the Sherwood Community Centre Room 4 from 1800 to 2100 hrs.  Currently enrolled cadets (2023/2024 trg year) will be automatically re-enrolled - but you must complete the annual Validation and submit the required donation to the SSC in Sep.

Note that the yearly donation to the SSC is non-refundable once a cadet is processed in the system.  This year's donation will be $200 per cadet cash only (same as last year).


SUMMER TRAINING: see attached link for summer training opportunities. If you are interested, be sure to review the material and contact the Training Officer Lt Damak ([email protected]) and provide details.   You will be directed to register your interest via a sign up sheet on Cadet365.
Do NOT start the process if you are not available for the training.
There are 2 week and 4 week courses which will run starting 01 Jul to the middle of Aug. We have no other information at this time besides what has been posted on the Cadets.ca website. While the intent is for all the courses to run, the reality is that some may end up getting cancelled. You may choose 3 courses but must indicate your preferences 1-2-3.
The daily CAP training for Levels 1 and 2 have been cancelled.
There is no summer training available for Level 1s - only Level 2s and above at this time.



A NOTE REGARDING FEES:  click on the "About 820" menu option, then "Squadron Support Committee" (in the drop down menu) for more information.   $200 cash is the current donation expectation.

SQUADRON SUPPORT COMMITTEE QUESTIONS: for inquires regarding donations, fundraising, etc. please contact Mr Donald Alva DIRECT AT: [email protected]
NOTE: 820 Staff (Officers and Civilian Instructors) have no involvement with Squadron financials whatsoever. This is solely the responsibility of the SSC and Mr. Donald Alva (the Chairperson). Please do not contact staff regarding financials as they are not able to assist you in any way.   Thank you for understanding.


Comms Format POST May 2024:  all communications will be sent out via email to each cadet's "Cadet365" email account SO ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THIS ACCOUNT AND HAVE LOGGED IN.  Information will also be cross posted in Cadet365 TEAMS.  THIS WILL BE MANDATORY.  The Facebook group will be shut down as of June 2024 in accordance with DND policy.

As a safeguard the Weekly Routine Orders will continue to be posted on this website but all official info will be via the Cadet365 email accounts starting May 2024.


E-Mail:  if you need to contact one of the 820 staff members then you must first contact our Administration Officer Capt (Ret) Peter Cranley at [email protected]  He will then forward your inquiry to the appropriate staff member.  We do not have a phone number in use at this time.

EXCEPTION:  you may e-mail the Supply Officer (Capt Cameron) direct at: [email protected]


TO PARENTS OF RETURNING CADETS:   If your child is a RETURNING CADET (FROM THE PREVIOUS TRAINING YEAR),   ANNUAL Validations will be completed "in person" (along with the payment of fees) in Sept of every year.  Questions/concerns can be sent to the  820 Administration Officer at [email protected] .  If your cadet is not returning, please advise the AdminO via e-mail, who will then liaise with the Supply Officer for uniform return, and then proper release from the CCO.    If you are a TRANSFERRING CADET (from or to another Air, Sea, or Army unit) please e-mail the AdminO who will then forward your request/information to the appropriate authority for processing.  If you are transferring "out" all 820 issued kit must be returned before you can be released to the new unit.

TO PARENTS OF NEW RECRUITS: If your child is at least 12 years of age, but not yet 19, and is interested in becoming a cadet for the first time, click on the "Join Air Cadets" link for specific requirements and documents.

DO NOT USE THE "JOIN CADETS" FUNCTION ON THE CANADA.CA WEBSITE (nor the [email protected] e-mail address) as it is unreliable and is missing information.  Use only the information and forms provided via this website for new registrations (which MUST be completed/actioned/verified in person).


UNIFORMS:   820 will have regular nights available for uniform upgrades/exchanges for both the new FTU uniform and the DEU dress uniform (all cadets will be issued both).  See the "Supply" link on the menu bar.  Capt Mike Cameron (the Supply Officer) can be reached at [email protected] for supply related issues only.

COMMUNITY HOURS (High School requirement):  Community hours will only be granted for activities such as Remembrance parades/activities,  Legion Poppy Sales, community clean up days, etc.  Hours will not be granted for Squadron tagging days/other unit fundraising activities, instructing on parade nights, assisting in Supply (or Admin) etc.   In order to qualify, the activity must be in support of the community...not in support of the Squadron.  The Commanding Officer is the only person who will authorize activities suitable for community hours.  Questions (or requests) are to be emailed to the Administration Officer.
VACCINATION INFORMATION (Covid):  it is strongly recommended that all cadets have received their first initial 2 doses and any relevant booster shots.  While no longer mandatory on the DND/CAF/Cadet side...some outside facilities might still require such (at which point cadets that are not vaccinated will be prevented from participating in an event at that facility).






Regular Training Night:

Date:               Sept 2024 - TBD

Time:               1830(sharp) to 2000 hrs

Location:         St Francis Xavier Secondary School,  1145 Bronte Street S, Milton

Dress:              CADETS - see Weekly Routine Orders sent to your Cadet 365 email account

For further details, please review our Weekly Routine Orders (WROs). If you have any questions not answered by our FAQs, or WROs, please email us at [email protected].  Thank you.