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🎖️ Legion Museum Visit
This February, Cadets in levels 1 and 2 will have the opportunity to visit the military museum at the Milton Legion.
Level 1 – February 11 from 1830-2000 hrs
Level 2 – February 18 from 1830 – 2000 hrs
Cadets in those levels will need to be dropped off and picked up from the Legion. There will be no training at the school for cadets in those levels on that day.
🚫 Report an absence
If you are expecting you will not be able to attend a training night, please use the Absence Reporting Form to document your absence. You must be signed into your Cadet365 email address in order to view the form.
If you are not able to attend an event you have signed up for, please inform the proper Chain of Command for that event.